Frequently Asked Questions
About the TLW Hyrox Training Program
1. Who can join? Are there any minimum physical requirements?
Are you an aspiring athlete seeking to improve your baseline conditioning and receive coaching to prepare for your first race? Or are you a returning athlete aiming to beat your personal best? We have plans tailored to suit your needs.
The plan can be followed by any athlete interested in developing the physical abilities necessary to succeed in a Hyrox or other hybrid event.
It can also be an interesting complement to CF athletes who want to improve endurance and endurance athletes looking for accessory work.
Tiago is the mastermind behind all hybrid programs but you will have the close support of an experienced team of Hyrox and Crossfit certified coaches that will help you achieve your goals.
2. Do I need any Hyrox competitive background?
This can be your starting point. We have helped more than one hundred athletes to do their Hyrox debut.
Due to our long experience, we will help you avoid many of the usual “rookie” training and racing mistakes.
3. Will this program help me to achieve my goals?
After an initial assessment (including tests), we will assist you in defining S.M.A.R.T. goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely). We have developed and tested our plans over the course of four seasons, proving their effectiveness. Success will be primarily dependent on your focus, discipline, honesty, and hard, smart work.
4. What's the training general concept and methodology?
A multiple-week rolling calendar program focusing on Hyrox.
The plan has strength-specific pieces, metabolic conditioning and endurance monostructural work. Mixed and functional training and specific competition prep workouts.
You will also find tactics and strategy tips along the workouts.
There will be 6-7 training days/week, depending on the preparation stage and the plan.
5. What Plans do we offer?
- HYROX PLAN (rolling group calendar)
- DOUBLES HYROX PLAN (rolling group calendar)
- 12 WEEK HYROX PLAN (Fixed length. You choose when to start)
- ELITE HYROX PLAN (specific requirements and assessment)
- HYROX One-on-One (very limited spots per season. Pre-assessment necessary)
For the season 24/25 we will also offer:
- Triathlon*
- Running*
*Coach João Ferreira. Portuguese PRO Ironman Triathlete and coach. João is the current IM national record holder.
For more specific information, check each program’s description in Fitr App.
As a baseline we will have 6 training days per week, with a total of 6-8 hours of training each week. In addition to this, there will be an extra seventh day for training and three additional sessions during the week, bringing the total to 10-13 hours of training weekly.
This way, each athlete can tailor the training to their own goals and schedule limitations. And in some weeks or training stages/phases workout more.
This program is designed for both PRO and OPEN categories. The intensity (weights, paces, power) is adjusted based on the athlete’s benchmarks (% personal benchmarks/PB’s) and goals (race category).
In its base, it is similar to the regular individual plan, but it becomes more specific as we work and develop more speed, power, and intensity. We will work on shorter intervals but with higher paces, and take short rests, just like in a race.
We will also develop team strategy, race tactics, communications, solidarity and transitions.
This plan can only be followed if both athletes of the double register simultaneously.
It requires pre-registration and assessment via email to support@thelousaway.com.
This program is designed for both PRO and OPEN categories. The intensity (weights, paces, power) is adjusted based on the athlete’s benchmarks (% personal benchmarks/PB’s) and goals (race category).
A plan for individual athletes, similar to the HYROX PLAN but it does not operate on a rolling group calendar. You can calculate and decide when to register for it: 13 weeks before an important race. This may be particularly useful for athletes with a very specific competitive calendar, such as Oceania, which has races during the northern hemisphere summer.
The most significant difference is that you will not have the support of a community of athletes all doing the same workouts and sharing comments and feelings.
This program is designed for both PRO and OPEN categories. The intensity (weights, paces, power) is adjusted based on the athlete’s benchmarks (% personal benchmarks/PB’s) and goals (race category).
Specific requirements:
Prerequisite: Achieved Sub 62´ Men Pro / 67´ Woman PRO last season? If so, please contact support@thelousaway.com.
5.5 - ONE-ON-ONE
Due to time and quality considerations, Tiago only accepts 5 athletes each season. Please contact support@thelousaway.com.
5.6 Triathlon & Running One-on-One
A personal and individualized program for competitive athletes who want to optimize performance. With or without specific experience. Only 25 spots are available/year.
This plan presents the run workouts at pace, bike in power, and swim by Pace.
Bike and Run workouts can be exported to a supported device, automatically guiding you through the session with duration, lap, and intensity prompts.
Swim workouts will have a detailed description to help you understand the tasks better.
The plans are delivered via Training Peaks.
5.7 Running
We also offer fixed-length programs for Running:
10k Prep: 12 week
Half-marathon prep: 16 weeks
Marathon Prep: 20 Weeks
6. Off-Season / Summer Cycle
The off-season consists of a 12-week specific cycle of the HYROX PLAN & DOUBLES PLAN, starting on June 17th.
- We will primarily focus on improving aerobic capacity through running, with 3-4 running sessions per week. In September, we will assess progress with a 10k run.
- Emphasis will also be placed on developing strength, speed, and power.
- Additionally, specific hydroxy skills such as mobility, agility, technique, pacing, and effort management will be honed.
7. How will the plan adapt to my needs? When will I be ready to race?
The specific preparation cycle will have its first peak in October and then again 5-6 weeks later in November/early December.
8. I have a specific race in mind, how will the preparation (peaking) work?
During the pre-season and after analyzing the available race calendar and the most common goals of our athletes we will define 3-4 goal races for each part of the season.
For the first part (SEP-DEC24):
October: Amsterdam – Nice – Milan – Birmingham – Madrid
November: Paris – Dublin – Chicago – Valencia – Dallas – London
We advise our athletes to choose from that list.
If you have any other specific race in mind, it will be necessary for you to adjust the weeks accordingly or opt by the 12 week plan.
9. Can I change Plans? How and When?
Yes. At any time. You should wait for the 30-day period to end and then do a new subscription.
On the App you will have an option: “cancel a subscription at the end of the billing cycle”. use it.
10. Do I need to have access to a CrossFit Gym?
No. But it is very important that you have access to all the equipment that is used in a Hyrox competition.
You can train at home or globo gym, as long as you have access 1-2x/week to a gym that has Sleds & ERGs.
The athlete is responsible for making adaptations. Remember: this is a competition prep program.
11. What training equipment is needed?
- Concept 2 Row
- Ski Erg
- Sled (to pull and push)
- WallBall (6kgs,9kgs,12kgs)
Also important:
- Barbell, weights and squat rack;
- KB´s or DB´s
- Bike Erg, Assault Bike (Assault Fitness) or Rogue Echo Bike
- Press Bench; Jump Box and Sandbag
12. If I don't have access to equipment or go on vacation, how do I adapt my training?
On the document that you will receive after registration there are some “common adaptations”.
But, this isn´t an individualized plan. We can give you some general guidance but the workouts will need to be adapted by you. We advice to focus on running and bodyweight movements during vacations and time off.
13. How will I have access to the workouts?
Every Sunday evening (9 pm GMT) the weekly plan (8 days) will be available on the Fitr App.
14. I have a gym/group. Do you offer any specific group training program?
Yes. We have a specific “Gym Program”. You don’t need to have an official/affiliated gym.
You will find 3 different class plans per week.
Every class has 3 phases: Warm up / Prep or conditioning / Main Set or Workout.
15. Who are the coaches?
Tiago Lousa
Head Coach.
Main Expertise: Endurance, Competition Tactics and Strategy, Elite athletes coach.
Hyrox Portugal-Spain Master Coach; CrossFit Level 2; Competitors, Aerobic Capacity Coach.
2 times World Champs Elite 15 athlete;
Hyrox European Champion, Vienna 24;
Hyrox World Champion AG40-44, Nice 2024;
Hyrox Men Open 40-44 World Record Holder.
Diogo Freitas
Strength & Conditioning Coach; Hyrox Official Coach.
Main Expertise: Strength & Power. Injury Prevention.
Doubles World Champion AG 20-29 (2022 Las Vegas).
João Ferreira
Running & Triathlon coach
Ironman PRO Athlete
Triathlon Coach
Portuguese Ironman Record Holder
Daniela Couto
Sports Nutrition Coach.
World Champion AG 25-29 (2023 Manchester).
Sofia Ferreira
Sports Scientist and Data Analyst.
16. Renown Athletes on our TEAM:
Alexander Roncevic: World Champion in title; European Champion; Men Open Overall world record holder.
And many other podium finishers on the EU/World Champs.
17. How does communication work?
We exclusively use English on the programming and general communication.
Portuguese can be used in private communication if required.
Workouts will be available on the Fitr app with all the specifications.
Upon registration, you will be sent a series of documents. One of them explains all the training dynamics, language, etc. Read it carefully and go back to it every time that you have a general doubt.
You will have a group chat on the Fitr app and also access to private messaging.
This is the main platform where we will share workouts and feedback. All training questions should be asked in the group. Your doubt or point of view can help other athletes.
If you have a specific situation use the private message area on the Fitr App.
We will use email for specific situations like: Pre-race plan and strategy; Organize and manage complex events like Training Camps.
We will occasionally use this communication app to create temporary groups to manage specific events in “real-time” (races, camps, gatherings, etc.)
Social media/Instagram
TLW only uses Instagram. This app will not be used for internal communication purposes. No questions about training will be answered via IG. We have a multidisciplinary team and the IG management can be done by someone other than a coach.
18. How does the subscription work?
All of our Plans work for 30 days, and they are renewed for the same period.
From the day you register it will start immediately and work on a 30 day basis.
You will need a credit card to do your monthly payment.
The Fitr App will send you an email if you miss the payment and you should solve it as soon as possible, to keep your access to the plan.
It is your responsibility to ensure payment is made on time, otherwise your subscription will be cancelled.
On your billing area at Fitr App you can see your purchases and billing history, and you also can update your payment method if you want.
The start /renewal date can´t be adjusted. Register only when you are ready to start.
19. Is there any type of minimum time/loyalty obligation?
No loyalty or obligation. But there is a 30-day minimum period, since your subscription or renewal.
20. I want to join the program. What are the next steps?
Step 1: Physical condition baseline tests
If you want to “gain time”, you should perform the following tests, prior to your registration:
- 2k Row For Time
- 2k Ski For Time
- 5k Run
- 200 Stationary Reverse Lunges for Time (using a sandbag: race weight)
- 100 Burpees For Time
- Máx Wall balls unbroken (race weight)
- 1 RM Strict Press
- 1 RM Back Squat
Step 2: Download the Fitr App and register to a Plan.
Step 3: Read the documents that you will automatically receive.
Step 4: Fill the forms that will be sent to you (personal info and season goals/races).
21. How and when should I perform the tests?
If possible prior to starting the program.
Priority tests:
Level 1: 5k Run – 2k Row – 2k Ski
Level 2: Máx WBs unbk – 100 Burpees For Time
Level 3: 200 Stationary Reverse Lunges + 1 RM Strict Press + 1 RM Back Squat
Example of a testing week:
Monday: 2k Row
Tuesday: 1 RM Strict press + Máx WB unbroken
Wednesday: 2k Ski
Thursday: 1 RM Back Squat + 100 Burpees For Time
Saturday: 5k Run
Sunday: 200 Stationary reverse Lunges
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